Player Code Of Conduct
Code of Conduct for Players, Parents, Spectators & Coaches
Newberg Baseball is a community organizaƟon that sponsors youth baseball acƟvity emphasizing fun,
fair play and sportsmanship. The mission of Newberg Baseball is to enhance every parƟcipant’s
enjoyment of their baseball experience. To beƩer achieve this goal, we are outlining a Code of Conduct
for all parents, coaches and players involved in Newberg Baseball.
The Code of Conduct is a wriƩen contract between the parents, players, and coaches to abide by
the rules and regulaƟons of the game as well as maintain a cooperaƟve aƫtude and uphold the
ideals of fair play and sportsmanship. This contract is more than just paper; it is the essence of
our goals and objecƟves and thus, adherence to it is of primary importance.
Children who wish to play, parents who want their children to play, and Coaches who wish to
coach on teams sancƟoned by Newberg Baseball is required to agree to and to sign this Code of
All players Will ...
Display good sportsmanship and team play at all Ɵmes.
Follow the direcƟon of the Coaching Staff.
Show respect for all opponents, coaches, players, umpires, league officials and spectators.
Make every aƩempt to be on Ɵme and ready to play for all games and pracƟces.
Inform coaching staff in a Ɵmely manner when unable to aƩend pracƟce or games.
All Players Will Not ...
Use abusive or profane language.
Taunt or humiliate any other player.
Abuse, mistreat or mishandle any equipment or property (eg. Throwing baƫng helmets)
Threaten or fight any person while at any game or pracƟce.
Parents and Spectators will support the players, coaches, umpires, opponents, and league or tournament
officials. Parents and Spectators won’t "coach" or "officiate".
Parents and spectators may be removed from any Newberg Baseball event by Newberg Baseball Board
members, coaches, or Umpires for disrupƟve behavior or violaƟons of the Newberg Baseball code of
All Parents and Spectators Will ...
Conduct themselves in a manner that displays the principals of good sportsmanship and
team play.
Show respect for all opponents, coaches, players, umpires, league officials and spectators.
Inform the Coaching Staff of any disability or ailment that may affect the safety of their child.
Comply with the decisions of league officials and observe all rules, policies and procedures as
established or endorsed by Newberg Baseball.
Plan to ensure that the players are punctual in arrival at and departure from all Newberg
Baseball athleƟc events.
Be drug and alcohol free while at any Newberg Baseball Event athleƟc event.
All Parents and Spectators Will Not ...
Ridicule, demean, threaten, or engage in a confrontaƟon with players, coaches, other spectators,
or umpires.
Coaches will remain uncondiƟonally supporƟve of the Newberg Baseball commitment to the ideals of
good sportsmanship, team play, honesty, loyalty, courage and respect for authority. Likewise, coaches
will remain sensiƟve to the physical and emoƟonal well- being of the players.
All Coaches Will ...
Be posiƟve role models.
Display and insƟll in their players the principals of good sportsmanship and team play.
Conduct themselves in a manner that best serves the interests of the players, parents and
Newberg Baseball.
Do their best to provide their players a posiƟve experience.
Ensure that their teams always exhibit good sportsmanship, win or lose. “Humble in
Victory and Gracious in Defeat.”
Treat all players, coaches, opponents, umpires, league officials and spectators with
Provide instrucƟon in a manner that is construcƟve and supporƟve.
Teach the game of baseball to the best of their ability.
Comply with the decisions of league and tournament officials and observe all rules, policies, and
procedures as established or endorsed by Newberg Baseball
Be drug and alcohol free while at any Newberg Baseball athleƟc event.
All Coaches Will Not ...
Ridicule or demean any players, coaches, opponents, umpires, league officials or
Argue with opponents, players, or spectators on any playing field or during any team funcƟon.
Tolerate behavior that endangers the health or well-being of a child.
Use any tobacco products in the dugout or on any playing field or during any team
funcƟon (pracƟce, game etc.)
The Newberg Baseball Board of Directors reserves the right to impose penalƟes, including, without
limitaƟon, game suspensions, dismissal from the team, suspension, or revocaƟon of Newberg Baseball
parƟcipaƟon for serious or repeated violaƟon of this Code of Conduct or other conduct deemed to be
harmful to Newberg Baseball.
We agree to abide by the rules and regulaƟons stated herein, and we are bound to all decisions and
imposiƟons of these rules. It is with the spirit of cooperaƟon, for the beƩerment of baseball and our
family that we willingly abide by this contract. Our signatures and that of our child is our wriƩen
approval of this contract.
Player’s Printed Name: ________________________
Player’s Signature: _____________________________ Date __________________
Parent 1 Printed Name: ________________________
Parent 1 Signature: _____________________________ Date __________________
Parent 2 Printed Name: ________________________
Parent 2 Signature: _____________________________ Date __________________
Coach Printed Name: ________________________
Coach Signature: _____________________________ Date __________________