2022 Minors Rules
Minors Rules
Note: The Newberg Cal-Ripken league will follow the guidelines set in the 2019 Cal-Ripken rule book unless a change is specifically mentioned below.
Safety Rules:
- For the purposes of “dugout control” only, a team may have a maximum of 4 adults in the dugout (Managers, Coaches, or Parent Helpers).
- Offensive jobs= Two base coaches, and one dugout manager.
- When a team is in the field the defensive coaches must remain in the dugout behind the fence.
- Reminder: all adults or helpers working with the teams MUST pass a background check and submit and application.
- Batting helmets must be worn by the batter, on-deck batter, and base runners (any player out of the dugout). Players waiting to hit should remain in the dugout and behind the fenced area until it is the player's turn to be on-deck.
- Players who are warming up a pitcher will be required to wear at least a mask, not full gear. Adult coaches are allowed to warm up a pitcher.
General Rules:
- Player substitution: Free substitution as long as each player plays a minimum of 2 defensive innings prior to the completion of the 5th inning – except for pitchers (see below).
- There is a five run rule for each half-inning. In other words, if a team scores five runs in an inning, they will automatically take the field, regardless of the number of outs.
- “Mercy” rule: 15 runs after Inning 3, 10 runs after Inning 4
- The 5th and 6th innings are OPEN innings, no 5 run limit
- Each 1⁄2 inning shall be completed when five runs are scored or three outs are recorded. Whichever comes first.
- Teams must start the game with 9 players but may finish with 8. If a team cannot field 9 players from their own roster to start a game then it will be recorded as a forfeit. However, teams may play the regularly scheduled game “for fun” at the discretion and agreement of the coaches but the pitches pitched will count toward allowable pitches.
- Players leaving early: Coaches must announce before the game starts at what time a player will be leaving to avoid having that spot in the line-up be an out for the remainder of the game. This does not apply to injured players who cannot finish the game or a players being pulled for special circumstances.
- Time limit: No new inning may start 1:45 from first pitch, even if the minimum number of innings for a complete game has not been reached. There are no continuation games if a game fails to reach the minimum of three innings required for an official game, it will be rescheduled if possible. (Example: Rained out or lightning)
- Games ending in a tie during the regular season shall stand as a tie. However, during the playoffs, the score shall revert to the nearest previous inning not ending in a tie. If tied the entire game, then one more inning shall be played.
Pitching Rules:
- These pitching rules take precedent over all other pitching rules and guidelines during regular season play.
- Players shall pitch the entire game (no coach pitch).
- Pitchers that are relieved of pitching duties cannot return to pitch for the remainder of the game.
- Regular season games and pitching rules (Adopted from Pitch Smart)
- Any pitches pitched as a result of a forfeit or an incomplete game will still count towards a pitcher’s allowable pitches.
- If a player has reached their daily max in the middle of an at-bat, they can finish the batter and not be penalized for too many pitches.
- Players may not pitch for more than 2 consecutive days without rest.
- Scorekeepers will need to compare and agree upon the pitch count for each pitcher prior to leaving the field for the night.
- Coaches/Team Manager with email our scheduler as soon as possible at scheduler@newbergbaseball.com
0 Days Rest | 1 Days Rest | 2 Days Rest | 3 Days rest | ||
7-8 | 50 | 1-20 | 21-35 | 36-55 | 56+ |
9-10 | 75 | 1-20 | 21-35 | 36-55 | 56+ |
11-12 | 85 | 1-20 | 21-35 | 35-65 | 66+ |
- Exception #1: A pitcher reaching the maximum daily pitch count limit in the middle of an at bat is allowed to finish that batter without penalty.
- Exception #2: A pitcher reaching a day(s) of rest threshold in the middle of an at bat is allowed to finish that batter. The pitcher will only be required to observe the calendar day(s) of rest for the threshold he/she reached during that at-bat, providing that pitcher is removed before delivering a pitch to another batter. NOTE: When reporting pitch counts, the ‘threshold’ should be reported, not the actual pitch count.
- Days of Rest: 1 calendar day equals 1 day of rest.
- Example: if a Senior pitcher pitches more than 66 pitches on Tuesday, he may not pitch again until Saturday.
- Example: if a Minor or Junior pitcher pitches 48 pitches on Monday, he may not pitch again until Thursday.
- Example: if any division pitcher pitches 35 pitches on Tuesday, he may not pitch again until Thursday.
- Reporting Pitch Counts:
- Pitch counts should be reported along with game results.
- If a pitcher crosses a threshold in the middle of an at-bat, and is removed from play at the end of that at-bat, the threshold pitch count should be reported instead of the actual pitch count. Here is an example: a Junior pitcher begins pitching to Sam Smith and has 32 pitches before he begins. When Sam’s at-bat is finished, the pitcher is removed from the game with a total pitch count of 38. When reporting pitch count, the pitch count should be reported as 35 (the threshold), not 38
Violation of Pitching Rules
- The team in violation forfeits the game in which the violation occurred. The head coach is suspended for 1 game.
Hitting & Base-Running Rules:
- Two adult base coaches are allowed. All other coaches and parent volunteers should be behind the fence in the dugout.
- Players MAY lead off once the pitched ball has crossed the plate, at which time stealing is also allowed.
- NO slug/slash bunting is allowed: “a batter is out for illegal action when the batter fakes a bunt and then takes a full swing. Penalty: the batter is out, the ball is dead and no runners may advance.
Fielding Rules:
- Players in the catcher position must wear catcher’s gear and a protective cup.
- Only 9 players will be in the field at a time for defense.
- Infield fly rule will be enforced at the minor level.